Your Health Convenience
Is Our Priority
In an emergency, speed and information are key.
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![doctor female](./assets/images/landingpage/doctor_female.png)
Accurate Medical Records Keeping is Extremely Important
In 2016, medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. LifeSaver helps prevent errors by providing your physicians an accurate complete picture of your health.
In an emergency, speed and information are key. Wherever you are, LifeSaver can relay information quickly to your responders. It uses the cloud to access emergency health data you have recorded yourself at your leisure or by your physicians.
Integrated — ask your doctors to update your medical records for you. You will be able to review and approve the changes or additions made by your physicians before it applies to your profile for easy, organized, and hassle-free medical records keeping. Furthermore, we perform background checks to ensure physician identities and credentials.
You choose what to keep private for yourself, and what to allow your doctors or responders to see. These are your records, only you have full access and control.
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Simply give them your referral code when they subscribe! You can find your referral code by going to My Profile -> General Information.
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